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Educational Philosophy

This paper compares the learner centered ideology to the social reconstruction ideology in education. From there, it showcases my personal thoughts towards the ideologies and how they relate to education.

Education Ideologies

Teachers must do their best to understand where their students come from, while knowing they can never fully understand what their students encounter daily. However, they must utilize their knowledge and strategies to meet students where they are and help them to learn and reach future goals.

Research Areas of Interest

Food Insecurity

Food insecurity and its effects on education and childhood development is a huge area of interest to me. These are a few research projects that I have done that showcase some of what I have learned and continue to research related to the topic.


This project includes data on food insecurity and its effects on reading scores in North Carolina. It covers each individual county.

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Other work that I have done focused on identifying the issue of food insecurity and then volunteering at a summer camp to help provide food to individuals in need. It was an eye opening experience to work towards assisting an issue and seeing just how many people are affected.

Special Education

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This button is a link to a text talk that could be used in any classroom to help students become more accepting of those with special needs. It is a great reminder that everyone has something to offer.

Special education is an area that has become a topic of interest because of my current job. During my time in the EC classroom, I have done research in how to better assist all students but these students in particular.

When I first began working in the EC classroom, I knew that I wanted to gain more knowledge on the IEP process. In order to accomplish this, I interviewed a few individuals to gain a bit more insight.

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